Conference at Salon du Patrimoine in Paris, CRAFTOUR: Creating Renewable Artisanal Futures Through Ongoing Upholding of Richness

Conference at Salon du Patrimoine in Paris, CRAFTOUR: Creating Renewable Artisanal Futures Through Ongoing Upholding of Richness

First Conference of the CRAFTOUR Initiative

On October 25th, 2024, the Salon International du Patrimoine Culturel in Paris will serve as the venue for the launch of the CRAFTOUR Initiative, a collaborative effort aimed at enhancing awareness and understanding of European arts and crafts, as well as intangible heritage. This significant event will bring together 6 European projects with 75 partners from diverse sectors, including crafts, culture, research, innovation, technology, and humanities, representing 21 countries. Supported by the European Commission, the initiative promises to strengthen European competitiveness in the crafts sector through the adoption of new technologies and the presentation of clear recommendations to policymakers.

Agenda of the Conference – Salon du Patrimoine in Paris – October 25th, 10h30-12h00, Carrousel du Louvre: “Salle Gabriel” 

Moderator Madina Benvenuti


10:30 – 10:35 Opening by Stéphane Galerneau – Président d’Ateliers d’Art de France, introducing the event and discuss the impact of European Union-funded projects on the sector.

10:35 – 10:40 European Commission – Dr. Rodrigo Martín Galán – Research Programme Officer, European Research Executive Agency.

10:40 – 10:45 Presentation of CRAFTOUR by Madina Benvenuti – Managing Director of Mad’in Europe, in charge of communication, synergies and networking within the CRAEFT project and Coordinator of CRAFTOUR. Video presentation on the initiative, the six projects and the five pillars.



10:45 – 10:55 P1.Understanding & Valorisation: Using computer science and anthropology to enhance understanding of crafts. Speakers: Ines Moreno and Alina Glushkova – CRAEFT Project.

10:55 – 11:05 P2. Authenticity & Safeguard: Need for a European definition of crafts for a better understanding of it and to combat the rise of counterfeit products. Speaker: Ana María Fernández García – Culturality project.

11:05 – 11:15 P3.Transmission, Training, & Certification: Need to improve access to educational opportunities and preserve endangered skills. Speakers: Bert De Munck and Julie De Groot – Tracks4Crafts project and MOSAIC project.

11:15 – 11:25 P4.Economics, Innovative & Sustainable Business Models: Supporting small craft businesses in adapting to modern markets and innovative practices. Speaker: Fabrizio Panozzo – HEPHAESTUS project.

11:25 – 11:35 P5.Documentation & Archiving: Establishing comprehensive documentation efforts to preserve craft techniques and knowledge. Speakers: Ana Nuutinen and Päivi Fernström – Colour4CRAFTS project.



11:35 – 12:00 The event will conclude with a presentation of the working plan for the next two years, emphasising sustainability, new funding opportunities for the CRAFTOUR initiative and formulating a set of clear recommendations to policymakers. This initiative represents a pivotal step towards revitalising European craftsmanship,
ensuring its relevance and sustainability in the modern economic landscape.

12:00 Attendees are invited to engage in an informal discussion and networking session at Cerfav’s exhibition space.


The 6 European projects

The project involved in CRAFTOUR are funded by the European Union. The joint initiative CRAFTOUR is coordinated by Mad’in Europe, partner of the CRAEFT project, together with a working group which includes members of each projects.


Craft Understanding, Education, Training, and Preservation for Posterity and Prosperity.


Colour for Combining, Re- engineering, Applying, Futuring, Transforming, Stretching. 


Heritage in EuroPe: new tecHnologies in crAft for prEServing and innovaTing fUtureS.


Cultural heritage in rural remote areas for creative tourism and sustainability.


Mastering job-Oriented Skills in Arts & crafts thanks to Inclusive Centres of vocational excellence.


Transforming crafts knowledge for a sustainable, inclusive and economically viable heritage in Europe.

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