Objective: practice continuation supported by diversification of income streams
- Tutoring and technical assistance facilitate learning from practitioners in highly specific locations or remote to apprentice. The professional network of MDE will utilise digital aids to invite apprentices to their workshops or visit student workspaces for technical assistance and tutoring. Also, the preparation of educational onsite/hybrid workshops coupling introductory crafting experiences with thematic and cultural tourism.
- Accompanying digital online • content in multiple storytelling formats: podcast, electronic print, multimedia storytelling, interactive & immersive experiences, themed on: ICH dimensions, Art & History, local tradition, materials, biographical objects, personalised gifts • services (games, webinars).
- Certification of purchase, creator signage, collective/certification marks, composition, origin, production method, linkage to “green” certificates.
- Reduce material waste by designing efficient workflows in Craft Studio, reusing spare and old material parts, and authoring repair instructions.
- Createdigital games&physical toys, using the Apprentice Design Studio, respectively.
- Seize valorisation opportunities through tutoring services, marketing digital assets & designs, fabrication services, and consultation.
- Promotion of products and local culture, through realistic online previews, contextualisation content, and guides to craft-related thematic tourism destinations.